Posters flying on GTC2017

I'm on GTC(GPU Technology Conference) this year again.

I didn't plan to trip because of travel budget, so only posters are submitted and approved.
(Posters are shown regardless of the attendance of the presenter.)

But I got an e-mail below...

Hi Kohei,

After extensive review from multiple committees and nearly 140 posters, your poster has been chosen as a Top 5 Finalist. Congratulations!!

Eventually, I arranged a trip in hurry, then now in San Jose.

The top-5 posters are shown at most conspicuous place of the convention center.

Participants can vote one of their favor poster, then the best poster this year is chosen through the democratic process. :-)

I and other top-20 presenters had a short talk on evening of the 1st day of the conference.
4-minutes are given to each presenter, and we introduce their research in this short time-slot.
(It is shorter than usual lightning talks!)

Our challenge tries to de-define the role of GPU. People usually considers GPU is a powerful tool to tackle computing intensive workloads. It is right, and widespread of workloads utilizes GPUs well like deep learning, simulations and so on.
On the other hands, I/O is one major workloads for database; including data analytics which try to handle massive amount of data.

We designed and implemented a Linux kernel module that intermediates peer-to-peer data transfer between NVMe-SSD and GPU, on top of GPUDirect RDMA feature. It allows to load PostgreSQL's data blocks on NVMe-SSDs to GPU's RAM directly.
Once data blocks get loaded to GPU's RAM, we already have SQL execution engine on GPU devices.
It means we can process earlier stage of SQL execution prior to data loading onto the system main memory. The earlier stage includes WHERE-clause, JOIN and GROUP BY. They likely work to reduce amount of data.
For example, when an WHERE-clause filters out 90% of rows (it is not a strange assumption in reporting queries) on scan of 100GB tables, we can say 90GB of I/O bandwidth and dist cache to be wipe out are consumed by junk data.
Once data blocks are loaded to GPU, it can filter out unnecessary rows (and processes JOIN and GROUP BY), then write back the results of this pre-process to host memory. The data blocks written back contains all valid data because unnecessary data are already dropped off.

In the results, it performs nearly wired speed of NVMe-SSD.
In case of single SSD benchmark, query execution throughput by vanilla PostgreSQL is around 700MB/s. On the other hands, SSD-to-GPU Direct SQL-execution runs same query with 2.2GB/s; which is almost identical with catalog spec of Intel SSD 750 (SeqRead: 2200MB/s).
In case of multi SSDs cases, it also increases the performance, however, deeper investigation *1 and improvement for md0-raid support are needed.

We intend to position this technology to make summary and pre-process of raw data/logs generated by sensor devices, mobile devices and so on. Once logs get summarized, we can apply statistical-analytics / machine-learning algorithms.
This type of workloads are advantaged with PL/CUDA which is one other our feature to utilize GPUs in-database analytics.
Eventually, GPU-accelerated PostgreSQL will be capable to handle entire life-cycle of data utilization (generation - gathering - summarizing/pre-process - analytics/machine-learning - visualization).
It makes system configuration much simple, reduce cost for production and operation, and deliver the power of analytics to wider and wider people.

My poster is below (enlarge by click):

If you are favored with our development, don't forget to vote.

Enjoy your GTC2017!

(Comment to the above photo by my wife: it looks like a zombie.)

*1:At that time, we measured with Teska K80; that is a bit old.

進捗)SSD-to-GPU ダイレクトSQL実行機能


この機能をかいつまんで言うと、NVMe-SSDに格納されているPostgreSQLのデータブロックをGPU RAMに直接転送し、そこでSQLのWHERE句/JOIN/GROUP BYを実行することで見かけ上のI/O量を削減するという代物である。
NVIDIAのTesla/Quadro GPUが対応するGPUDirect RDMA機能を使い、SSD<=>GPU間のデータ転送を仲介するLinux kernel moduleを使えば、CPU/RAMにデータをロードする前にGPU上での処理を行うことができる。

しばらく前からScan系の処理には対応していたが、JOIN/GROUP BYへの対応を加え、さらにPostgreSQL v9.6のCPU並列にも追従したということで、簡単なベンチマークなら取れるくらいまで開発は進んできている。

使用したのはDELL R730にTesla K80*1Intel SSD 750(400GB)を2枚搭載したモデル。
GPUDirect RDMAの制約から、SSDGPUが同一のCPU又はPCIeスイッチに接続されている必要があるため、共にCPU2配下のPCIeスロットに接続している。

ベンチマークに使用したのはTPC-Hを簡略化したStar Schema Benchmark(SSBM)と呼ばれるテストで、中核となるlineorderテーブルのサイズが明らかにRAMに収まり切らないようscaling factorを調整している。

SSBMでは何種類かクエリが定義されているが、基本的にはWHERE句/JOIN/GROUP BYという、集計クエリの典型的なものである。例えば以下のようなものである。

SELECT sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand1
  FROM lineorder, date1, part, supplier
 WHERE lo_orderdate = d_datekey
   AND lo_partkey = p_partkey
   AND lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
   AND p_category = 'MFGR#12‘
   AND s_region = 'AMERICA‘
 GROUP BY d_year, p_brand1
 ORDER BY d_year, p_brand1;


青色がPostgreSQL(ファイルシステム経由I/O)での実行結果、橙色がPG-Stromでの実行結果で、それぞれ色の濃い方がSSD x1枚での実行結果、色の薄い方がSSD x2枚(md-raid0)での実行結果。

これを見る限り、SSD x1枚の場合、PG-Stromは概ね理論限界*2に達しているが、SSD x2枚のスループットである4.4GB/sにはまだ届いていない。ただ、これはGPUがTesla K80というやや古いモデルであった事や、GROUP BYでの集約演算がNumeric型の総和や平均など、Kepler世代のGPUには比較的辛い処理だという事は考慮しなければいけないだろう。(例えばQ4-1やQ4-2ではI/Oよりも集計処理にボトルネックがあるように見える)
一方PostgreSQLの場合はSSD x1枚で600-750MB/s程度、SSD x2枚で1.6GB/s程度のスループットなので、PG-Stromの場合はI/Oネックな集計処理において2.3~3.0倍程度の優位性があるという事になるだろう。

この辺、SSDGPU、あるいはCPUのどこに律速要因があるのか追及するのはなかなか骨の折れる作業ではあるが、近々、最新モデルであるTesla P40で実行できるようになるので、最新世代のGPUではどの程度のスループットまで耐えられるのか、試してみたいところである。



*2:Intel SSD 750(400GB)のSeqReadスペックは2200MB/s





モデル Intel SSD 750
Intel SSD 750
Intel SSD 750
PCIe PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4
容量 400GB 800GB 1.2TB
SeqRead 2100MB/s 2100MB/s 2400MB/s
SeqWrite 800MB/s 800MB/s 1200MB/s
RandRead 420kIOPS 420kIOPS 440kIOPS
RandWrite 210kIOPS 210IOPS 290kIOPS
リリース Q3'15 Q3'15 Q2'15


モデルl DC P3608
DC P3608
DC P3608
DC P3700
DC P3700
DC P3700
DC P3700
PCIe PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4
容量 1.6TB 3.2TB 4.0TB 400GB 800GB 1.6TB 2.0TB
SeqRead 5000MB/s 4500MB/s 5000MB.s 2700MB/s 2800MB/s 2800MB/s 2800MB/s
SeqWrite 2000MB/s 2600MB/s 3000MB/s 1080MB/s 1900MB/s 1900MB/s 1900MB/s
RandRead 850kIOPS 850kIOPS 850kIOPS 450kIOPS 460kIOPS 450kIOPS 450kIOPS
RandWrite 150kIOPS 80kIOPS 50kIOPS 75kIOPS 90kIOPS 150kIOPS 175kIOPS
リリース Q3'15 Q3'15 Q3'15 Q2'14 Q2'14 Q2'14 Q2'14

※ Optane DCモデルに関してはARKにデータが上がってから更新予定。



モデル PM1725a
PCIe PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8
容量 1.6TB 3.2TB 6.4TB 3.2TB 6.4TB
SeqRead 5840MB/s 6200MB/s 6300MB/s 5600MB/s 5600MB/s
SeqWrite 2100MB/s 2600MB/s 2600MB/s 1800MB/s 1800MB/s
RandRead 1000kIOPS 1000kIOPS 1000kIOPS 1000kIOPS 1000lIOPS
RandWrite 140kIOPS 180kIOPS 180kIOPS 130kIOPS 130kIOPS
リリース Q3'16 Q3'16 Q3'16 Q3'15 Q3'15



モデル Ultrastar
PCIe PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4
容量 1.6TB 3.2TB 6.4TB 1.6TB 3.2TB
SeqRead 6100MB/s 6100MB/s 6100MB/s 3000MB/s 3000MB/s
SeqWrite 2200MB/s 2200MB/s 2200MB/s 1600MB/s 1600MB/s
RandRead 1200kIOPS 1200kIOPS 1200kIOPS 743kIPOS 743kIPOS
RandWrite 200kIOPS 200kIOPS 200kIOPS 140kIPS 140kIOPS
リリース Q4'16 Q4'16 Q4'16 Q2'15 Q2'15



モデル Nytro XP7200
Nytro XP6500
Nytro XP6500
Nytro XP7102
Nytro XP7102
PCIe PCIe 3.0 x16 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4
容量 7.7TB 1.3TB 3.4TB 800GB 1.6TB
SeqRead 10000MB/s 4.0GB/s 4.0GB/s 2500MB/s 2500MB/s
SeqWrite 2300MB/s 1.5GB/s 2.0GB/s 850MB/s 900MB/s
RandRead 950kIOPS 300kIPOS 275kIOPS 245kIOPS 245kIOPS
RandWrite 64kIPS 100kIOPS 75kIOPS 35kIOPS 40kIOPS
リリース Q3'16 ??? ??? Q3'16 Q3'16

ショックだ・・・Nytro XP7200の3.8TB版がサイトから消えている・・・。 orz



モデル OCZ RD400a
OCZ RD400a
OCZ RD400a
OCZ RD400a
PCIe PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4
容量 128GB 256GB 512GB 1.0TB
SeqRead 2200MB/s 2600MB/s 2600MB/s 2600MB/s
SeqWrite 620MB/s 1150MB/s 1600MB/s 1550MB/s
RandRead 170kIPS 210kIOPS 190kIOPS 210kIOPS
RandWrite 110kIOPS 140kIPS 120kIOPS 130kIOPS
リリース Q2'16 Q2'16 Q2'16 Q2'16



モデル M8Pe(Y)
PCIe PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4 PCIe 3.0 x4
容量 128GB 256GB 512GB 1.0TB
SeqRead 1600MB/s 2000MB/s 2300MB/s 2500MB/s
SeqWrite 500MB/s 900MB/s 1300MB/s 1400MB/s
RandRead 120kIPS 210kIOPS 260kIPS 280kIOPS
RandWrite 130kIOPS 230kIPS 250kIOPS 240kIPS
リリース Q4'16 Q4'16 Q4'16 Q4'16



モデル DCP1000
PCIe PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8
容量 800GB 1.6TB 3.2TB
SeqRead 6800MB/s 6800MB/s 6800MB/s
SeqWrite 5000MB/s 6000MB/s 6000MB/s
RandRead 900kIOPS 1100kIPS 1000kIOPS
RandWrite 145kIOPS 200kIOPS 180kIPS
リリース Q1'17 Q1'17 Q1'17


AWSのP2.*インスタンスで PG-Strom を試す

従前、AWSの提供するGPUインスタンス g2.* に搭載されているGPUはGRID K520というちょっと古いモデルで、PG-Stromは非対応だった。
理由は、一年ほど前にComputing Capability 3.5以降で対応のDynamic Parallelism機能を使うように全面的に作り直したからで、詳細は以下のエントリを参照。






最初に、リージョンを p2.* インスタンス提供済みのリージョンに切り替える。

また、AWSアカウントを作成直後は p2.* インスタンスの起動制限数が 0 に設定されているため、p2.xlargeインスタンスを起動できるよう、EC2ダッシュボードの『制限』から『制限緩和のリクエスト』を行う必要がある。豆知識。

これは PG-Strom v1.0 + PostgreSQL v9.5.5 + CUDA 7.5環境を CentOS7(x86_64) 上に構築したもので、テスト用のデータも既にセットアップ済みのものである。


一応、PG-StromはマルチGPUにも対応しているが、CPU並列を使えないPostgreSQL v9.5系列ではGPUへのデータ供給の方が先にボトルネックになってしまうので、あまり意味はない。
この辺は、現在開発中の PostgreSQL v9.6 ベースの実装でうまくハンドリングできるようになる。






[ec2-user@ip-172-31-24-196 ~]$ psql postgres
psql (9.5.5)
Type "help" for help.


Tesla K80 GPUが搭載されている事が分かる。
物理的には一枚のカード上にGPU 2個を搭載するデバイスなので、一枚のカードを他の誰かとシェアしている事になる。

postgres=# SELECT * FROM pgstrom_device_info();
 id |                       property                        |    value
  0 | Device name                                           | Tesla K80
  0 | Total global memory size                              | 11519 MBytes
  0 | max threads per block                                 | 1024
  0 | Maximum block dimension X                             | 1024
  0 | Maximum block dimension Y                             | 1024
  0 | Maximum block dimension Z                             | 64
  0 | Maximum grid dimension X                              | 2147483647
  0 | Maximum grid dimension Y                              | 65535
  0 | Maximum grid dimension Z                              | 65535
  0 | Maximum shared memory available per block             | 48 KBytes
  0 | Memory available on device for __constant__           | 64 KBytes
  0 | Warp size in threads                                  | 32
  0 | Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies       | 2147483647
  0 | Maximum number of 32bit registers available per block | 65536
  0 | Typical clock frequency in kilohertz                  | 823 MHz
  0 | Alignment requirement for textures                    | 512
  0 | Number of multiprocessors on device                   | 13
  0 | Has kernel execution timeout                          | False
  0 | Integrated with host memory                           | False
  0 | Host memory can be mapped to CUDA address space       | True
  0 | Compute mode                                          | Default
  0 | Alignment requirement for surfaces                    | 512
  0 | Multiple concurrent kernel support                    | True
  0 | Device has ECC support enabled                        | True
  0 | PCI bus ID of the device                              | 0
  0 | PCI device ID of the device                           | 30
  0 | Device is using TCC driver model                      | False
  0 | Peak memory clock frequency                           | 2505 MHz
  0 | Global memory bus width                               | 384 bits
  0 | Size of L2 cache in bytes                             | 1536 KBytes
  0 | Maximum threads per multiprocessor                    | 2048
  0 | Number of asynchronous engines                        | 2
  0 | Device shares unified address space                   | True
  0 | PCI domain ID of the device                           | 0
  0 | Major compute capability version number               | 3
  0 | Minor compute capability version number               | 7
  0 | Device supports stream priorities                     | True
  0 | Device supports caching globals in L1                 | True
  0 | Device supports caching locals in L1                  | True
  0 | Maximum shared memory per multiprocessor              | 112 KBytes
  0 | Maximum number of 32bit registers per multiprocessor  | 131072
  0 | Device can allocate managed memory on this system     | True
  0 | Device is on a multi-GPU board                        | False
  0 | Unique id if device is on a multi-GPU board           | 0
(44 rows)


postgres=# SELECT pg_prewarm('t0'::regclass);
(1 row)

実行計画を確認する。JOIN+GROUP BYをGPUで実行するようにプランが選択された事がわかる。

postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT cat,count(*),avg(ax) FROM t0 NATURAL JOIN t1 GROUP BY cat;
                                         QUERY PLAN
 HashAggregate  (cost=3578311.16..3578311.48 rows=26 width=12)
   Group Key:
   ->  Custom Scan (GpuPreAgg)  (cost=14139.24..2873626.84 rows=234 width=48)
         Reduction: Local + Global
         GPU Projection: cat, ax
         ->  Custom Scan (GpuJoin) on t0  (cost=10139.24..2838812.04 rows=98599882 width=12)
               GPU Projection:,
               Depth 1: GpuHashJoin, HashKeys: (t0.aid)
                        JoinQuals: (t0.aid = t1.aid)
                        Nrows (in/out: 98.60%), KDS-Hash (size: 13.47MB, nbatches: 1)
               ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..1935.00 rows=100000 width=12)
(11 rows)

1億行のテーブルのJOINとGROUP BYで11.3秒要している。

postgres=# SELECT cat,count(*),avg(ax) FROM t0 NATURAL JOIN t1 GROUP BY cat;
 cat |  count  |       avg
 nnn | 3845736 | 49.9122204644341
 ccc | 3842975 | 49.9253161146813
 ddd | 3841209 | 49.9346989307005
 aaa | 3848221 | 49.9265219996308
 kkk | 3843481 | 49.9232348058601
 fff | 3845484 | 49.9434949581969
 iii | 3846743 | 49.9227199719054
 jjj | 3846076 | 49.9292863471083
 qqq | 3845646 |  49.945213365697
 hhh | 3842519 | 49.9266693322143
 ttt | 3846725 | 49.9232478784252
 ooo | 3847927 | 49.9346102129999
 zzz | 3847116 | 49.9320751724648
 lll | 3848447 |  49.927865906661
 www | 3846691 | 49.9537192102014
 bbb | 3845315 | 49.9281298849625
 ppp | 3850842 | 49.9149069792416
 eee | 3846285 |  49.931458202446
 xxx | 3845570 | 49.9577920754281
 ggg | 3845044 | 49.9409383291351
 rrr | 3847816 | 49.9341189910578
 uuu | 3845813 | 49.9295202543591
 vvv | 3849157 | 49.9253944163053
 yyy | 3843414 | 49.9364087656463
 mmm | 3848758 | 49.9033622681507
 sss | 3846990 | 49.9213589517191
(26 rows)

Time: 11326.834 ms


postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT cat,count(*),avg(ax) FROM t0 NATURAL JOIN t1 GROUP BY cat;
                                 QUERY PLAN
 HashAggregate  (cost=3937016.94..3937017.26 rows=26 width=12)
   Group Key:
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=3185.00..3197517.82 rows=98599882 width=12)
         Hash Cond: (t0.aid = t1.aid)
         ->  Seq Scan on t0  (cost=0.00..1833334.00 rows=100000000 width=8)
         ->  Hash  (cost=1935.00..1935.00 rows=100000 width=12)
               ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..1935.00 rows=100000 width=12)
(7 rows)

postgres=# SELECT cat,count(*),avg(ax) FROM t0 NATURAL JOIN t1 GROUP BY cat;
 cat |  count  |       avg
 nnn | 3845736 | 49.9122204644368
 ccc | 3842975 |  49.925316114681
 ddd | 3841209 |  49.934698930695
 aaa | 3848221 | 49.9265219996321
 kkk | 3843481 | 49.9232348058579
 fff | 3845484 | 49.9434949581975
 iii | 3846743 |    49.9227199719
 jjj | 3846076 | 49.9292863471066
 qqq | 3845646 | 49.9452133657041
 ttt | 3846725 | 49.9232478784215
 hhh | 3842519 |  49.926669332217
 zzz | 3847116 |  49.932075172461
 ooo | 3847927 | 49.9346102129966
 lll | 3848447 | 49.9278659066662
 www | 3846691 | 49.9537192102029
 bbb | 3845315 | 49.9281298849615
 ppp | 3850842 | 49.9149069792369
 eee | 3846285 |  49.931458202444
 xxx | 3845570 | 49.9577920754269
 ggg | 3845044 | 49.9409383291352
 uuu | 3845813 | 49.9295202543602
 rrr | 3847816 | 49.9341189910555
 vvv | 3849157 | 49.9253944163048
 yyy | 3843414 | 49.9364087656454
 mmm | 3848758 | 49.9033622681445
 sss | 3846990 | 49.9213589517182
(26 rows)

Time: 51031.084 ms

p2.* インスタンスの登場でPG-Stromを使用するための環境の準備はずいぶんお手軽になった。デプロイ即利用できるようAMIイメージも用意してみたので、まだPG-Stromを触った事がないという方は、ぜひ試してみて頂ければと思う。

*1:と言っても、Tesla K80なんですが…。





PG-Strom v2.0

先ず最優先で取り組むのが、PostgreSQL v9.6への対応。


           SELECT cat, count(*), avg(aid), max(bid)
             FROM t0
            WHERE aid < 50000 and cid > 50000
            GROUP BY cat;

                                           QUERY PLAN
 GroupAggregate  (cost=91050.50..91070.84 rows=26 width=48)
                 (actual time=1754.432..1755.056 rows=26 loops=1)
   Output: cat, pgstrom.sum((pgstrom.nrows())),
                pgstrom.favg((pgstrom.pavg((pgstrom.nrows((aid IS NOT NULL))),
   Group Key:
   ->  Sort  (cost=91050.50..91052.32 rows=728 width=48)
             (actual time=1754.381..1754.524 rows=910 loops=1)
         Output: cat, (pgstrom.nrows()), (pgstrom.pavg((pgstrom.nrows((aid IS NOT NULL))),
         Sort Key:
         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 160kB
         ->  Gather  (cost=90938.54..91015.89 rows=728 width=48)
                     (actual time=1749.313..1753.732 rows=910 loops=1)
               Output: cat, (pgstrom.nrows()), (pgstrom.pavg((pgstrom.nrows((aid IS NOT NULL))),
               Workers Planned: 4
               Workers Launched: 4
               ->  Parallel Custom Scan (GpuPreAgg) on public.t0  (cost=89938.54..89943.09 rows=182 width=48)
                                                            (actual time=1670.139..1673.636 rows=182 loops=5)
                     Output: cat, (pgstrom.nrows()),
                             pgstrom.pavg((pgstrom.nrows((aid IS NOT NULL))),
                     Reduction: Local
                     GPU Projection:, pgstrom.nrows(), pgstrom.nrows((t0.aid IS NOT NULL)),
                                     pgstrom.psum((t0.aid)::bigint), pgstrom.pmax(, t0.aid, t0.cid
                     Outer Scan: public.t0  (cost=4000.00..87793.21 rows=2496387 width=12)
                                            (actualtime=14.663..274.534 rows=500187 loops=5)
                     Outer Scan Filter: ((t0.aid < 50000) AND (t0.cid > 50000))
                     Rows Removed by Outer Scan Filter: 1499813
                     Extra: slot-format
                     Worker 0: actual time=1724.195..1728.058 rows=182 loops=1
                     Worker 1: actual time=1570.952..1573.837 rows=182 loops=1
                     Worker 2: actual time=1738.205..1742.053 rows=182 loops=1
                     Worker 3: actual time=1569.055..1571.961 rows=182 loops=1
 Planning time: 0.907 ms
 Execution time: 1759.557 ms
(25 rows)

また、PG-Strom v2.0では、PostgreSQL v9.6へのキャッチアップだけではなく、いくつか目玉となる機能を準備中である。
一つは、これまで何度か紹介している SSD-to-GPU P2P DMA 機構。そしてもう一つは、BRINインデックスへの対応である。


SSD-to-GPU P2P DMA (NVMe-Strom) は、NVIDIA社製GPUのGPUDirect RDMA機構を利用したもので、PostgreSQLのデータブロックが格納されているNVMe-SSDのデータブロックからGPUへとダイレクトにデータ転送を行う。ファイルシステムを介する事によるオーバーヘッドや、RAMへの無駄なコピーが発生しないため、スループットを稼げるという特長がある。
現状では、GpuScanワークロード下においてNVMe-SSD 1個から成る区画からのデータ転送に対応しており、シングルプロセス性能で1.4GB/sのスキャン性能を出している。
PostgreSQL v9.6対応の過程で、GpuJoinやGpuPreAggの直下にテーブルスキャンが入る場合、これらのロジックはGpuScanがテーブルをスキャンするための関数を直接呼ぶように改良されているので、特別な事は何もしなくても『ストレージからデータを読んだ時点で既にJOIN/GROUP BYが完了している』という状態を作り出す事はできるはず。

PG-Strom v2.0に向けた課題はSoft-RAID0/1への対応。Linuxの場合、基本的には128KB単位で順番にストライピングがかかっているだけなので、技術的にはそう難しい話ではないと考えている。
DC用途向けに、PCIe x8スロット接続で5~6GB/s程度のSeqRead性能を持つNVMe-SSD製品が各社から出てきているので、計算上は、SSD二枚から全力でGPUにデータを流し込む事ができれば、GPUの持つPCIe x16スロットの帯域を飽和させられる事になる。


BRINインデックス自体はPostgreSQL v9.5から搭載されている機能で、特に時系列データのように

  1. ある一定範囲の値を持つデータが物理的な近傍に集まっている
  2. データの更新頻度が小さい
  3. データサイズが大きい







現状、全ての可変長データの基盤となっている varlena 構造は、最大でも1GBまでのデータしか持てないため、PL/CUDA関数の引数としてarray-matrixを渡す時には、例えば問題領域をうまく分割してデータサイズを1GB未満に抑えてやらないといけない。



先にpgsql-hackersにデザインプロポーザルを投げたところ、Robert Haasから『varlenaとは別の体系で可変長データを保持するフォーマットを作成すべき』とサジェスチョンがあり、自分もこの方針には同意。3月のcommit-festまでにはパッチを投稿し、2018年リリース予定のPostgreSQL v11でのマージを目指したい。

2017年1月時点でPL/CUDAを実証できたワークロードとしては、k-NN法類似度サーチや、k-meansクラスタリングがあるが、例えば MADLib のような統計解析パッケージで提供されているアルゴリズムの、全部とは言わないまでも、使用頻度が高く計算負荷の高いものをGPUで計算するようパッケージ化できれば、ユーザの裾野はより広がるだろうし、仮にカスタマイズが必要となっても骨格となるアルゴリズムGPU実装が既に存在する事で省力化が可能となるハズである。

PG-Strom v3.0へ向けた種まき

In-memory Columnar Cache


イデアとしては、これを避けるために ALL_VISIBLE フラグが 1 であるブロックのみを列形式キャッシュに持たせる。

問題は、PostgreSQL側でテーブルが更新され、ALL_VISIBLE フラグが 0 にクリアされた時のinvalidation処理である。


PG-Strom v2.0では、実はGpuSort機能の廃止を予定している。これは、ソートという問題の性質上、ある程度問題規模が大きくならないとGPUによる処理時間メリットが出てこない一方で、一度にGPUでソートを行う件数が多くなればなるほど、初期データのローディングに時間がかかるようになり、非同期・多重処理のメリットを得にくいからである。

これにはPostgreSQL本体側で、『LIMIT句でxx件のデータが要求されますよ』という事を下位のノードに伝えてやる仕組みが必要だが、PostgreSQL v10 向けにパッチを出しており、ある程度レビューも進んでいるので間に合うだろうとは踏んでいる。


Beyond the 1GB limitation of varlena

This article is a part of the PostgreSQL Advent Calendar 2016.

According to the request by Joe Conway (@josepheconway), I wrote this article in English.

I like to share the discussion we had at the PostgreSQL developer unconference on the day before PGconf.ASIA 2016, and the related idea of mine.

PostgreSQL supports variable length data types; like text, bytea, json, numeric, array and so on.
These data types individually have their own characteristics and own internal format, however, all of them are built on a common structure to represent variable length field; that is called varlena.

It has very simple internal format. Contents of the variable length fields are followed by either 1-byte or 4-bytes header.

We can identify the header type by the least bit of the first 1 byte. If least bit of the first byte, it means 1-byte header, elsewhere, 4-byte header.
In case of 4-byte header, the second bit is also used to show whether it is compressed or not. Therefore, rest of 30-bits can be available to represent the contents length, so, maximum length of the variable length field is 1GB.
A special case exists if the first byte is 00000001. It is an external TOAST reference which consists of OID of TOAST table and unique ID within TOAST table.

Below is the source code comment at include/postgres.h.

 * Bit layouts for varlena headers on little-endian machines:
 * xxxxxx00 4-byte length word, aligned, uncompressed data (up to 1G)
 * xxxxxx10 4-byte length word, aligned, *compressed* data (up to 1G)
 * 00000001 1-byte length word, unaligned, TOAST pointer
 * xxxxxxx1 1-byte length word, unaligned, uncompressed data (up to 126b)

My concern is we have no way to represent a larger variable length datum more than 1GB.

It is quite natural for users who want to process the maximum available data size as long as system capability allows. It is not uncommon for the recent GPU models to have 10GB class device memory or more.
On the other hands, due to the restriction of variable length datum of PostgreSQL, we cannot have a datum larger than 1GB. It also means we cannot provide a large matrix (= 2D-array) onto PL/CUDA function at once. It is an unignorable restriction if a problem user want to solve by PL/CUDA is unavailable or expensive to split into multiple portions.

According to the background, we discussed a few options to support variable length datum larger than 1GB.

64bits varlena header

The first idea was straightforward but got less interest because 99% of existing variable length data types are satisfied with 1GB limitation.
If we have one more varlena header, VARDATA() and VARSIZE() which are widely used in the PostgreSQL core and extensions need to have branch operation inside the macro, and it is not easy to justify the penalty for this niche usage.

Use of large-object and its ID instead

The second idea was a suggestion from audience. Now PostgreSQL has a feature of large object which allows to store up to 4TB data chunk with a unique identifier. If PL/CUDA function supports ID of large object, instead of varlena datum, PL handler can extract larger data chunk by itself.
However, here is a problematic scenario. It requires users to construct large objects preliminary. It is inconvenient when user wants to deal with a large matrix constructed on the fly. For example, the query below constructs a matrix based on the underlying table scan with qualifier. The qualifier can be changed for each execution.

SELECT * FROM matrix_unnest(
  (SELECT my_plcuda_function(Q.matrix, D.matrix)
     FROM (SELECT array_matrix(a,b,c) matrix
             FROM table_q
            WHERE tag LIKE '%abc%') Q,
          (SELECT array_matrix(x,y,z) matrix
             FROM table_d
            WHERE tag LIKE '%xyz%') D

In addition, creation of a large object makes unnecessary i/o; which leads performance slow-down.

Special type that includes indirect reference

A overall consensus was to define a special data type which support indirect references to data chunks less than 1GB. If only narrow use-case wants to have a datum larger than 1GB, it is quite natural to define a special data type for the purpose.

My interest is representation of matrix in database.

In case of matrix, it has less necessity to have all the items in a flat memory chunk.

If we have 8GB of matrix, we can split it into 9 portions to keep individual chunk size less than 1GB.

Then, once we define a special matrix type that consists of small metadata and indirect references to the chunks less than 1GB, it is available to represent a big matrix larger than 1GB as a usual SQL data type.

A remaining problem is serialization/deserialization when the matrix data type is saved/loaded.
Right now, PostgreSQL saves contents portion of the variable length datum onto the storage as is, thus, pointers to reference sub-matrix has to be serialized appropriately, however, we have no infrastructure to manipulate type specific data structure on toast_insert_or_update() which set up physical tuple for INSERT/UPDATE.
Likely, pg_type needs to have an optional callback functions for serialization/deserialization. It shall be a mandatory requirement if data structure has indirect reference to other memory chunks.

I expect the serialization callback will use TOAST relation to save a large but less than 1GB chunks, then put its unique ID instead of the pointers. We will be able to have another advantage in this approach, because all the sub-matrix we have to update are the portion actually updated. If some of sub-matrix were not updated, we don't need to delete old toast pages and insert new ones. It will make a performance benefit than existing flat varlena structure.

The timing for deserialization needs a bit more consideration. Because heap_tuple_fetch_attr handles deserialization of the existing flat varlena, but no type OID is supplied to the function. It is not a good option to change the function prototype because many existing code already uses this function without type OID.
We have two another options here. The first one packs type OID within the serialized structure. It needs to define a new VARTAG_* label to distinct from the existing flat varlena. The second one is delayed load because indirectly referenced data chunks will not be used without functions/operators which support the data type. It enables not to load unreferenced chunk, however, it is uncertain whether functions/operators can manipulate a value supplied as an argument. *1

Last, even if we can have variable length datum larger then 1GB from the viewpoint of data format, it is never small data chunks. It involves not a small amount of i/o (or memory copy) stuff.
Therefore, it is a significant to have special optimization based on the knowledge for usual use case of the types.

For example, some workloads takes sparse matrix which have small amount of non-zero values, but mostly zero. In this case, type may be able to assume empty sub-matrix are all-zero instead of data size reduction.

Diagonal matrix is also often used, in case when valid values are located around the diagonal axis only.

I hope making a proof of the concept patch near future, then have a discussion at pgsql-hackers.

*1:If not acceptable, we may need to load sub-matrix multiple times when a particular matrix object is referenced by multiple functions/operators.

PGconf.SV 2016 and PL/CUDA

I've participated PGconf Silicon Valley 2016 held at the South San Francisco Conference Center.

I could have a presentation here. Its title is PL/CUDA - Fusion of HPC Grade Power with In-Database Analytics.
Its slides are below:

What is PL/CUDA?

PL is an abbreviation of Procedural Language. In PostgreSQL, we have some PL options like PL/pyhton, PL/R and so on.
This functionality allows to implement SQL functions with different program languages individually.
For example, this SQL function definition is described with "SQL" language.

  SELECT $1 + $2;
$$ LANGUAGE 'sql'

We can describe the code block between the $$ marker in SQL-language.

It means we can use other programming language for SQL function definition if another LANGUAGE is given.
So, it is never strange to have CUDA language here.

PL/CUDA is a procedural language which supports CUDA code block for user defined SQL function.
It allows to embed a heavy computing portion within a SQL query, and invokes GPU kernels transparently.

As literal, DBMS is database management system. It implies heavy computing is not a primary workload for DBMS, and it is almost correct. So, people who want to run heavy analytic algorithm usually exports the data from the database for more computing performance. However, here is two downsides. The first is network traffic to export the data set. If DBMS would have enough computing capability, all we have to export is results of the analytic algorithm. The other is loss of SQL flexibility on the post-process of the analytic algorithm. If we could finish the algorithm core in database, it is quite easy to join the result with other tables, to make a summary using GROUP BY or window functions.

PL/CUDA is a solution to solve these problems. The code block in the function declaration shall be put into GPU kernel, then PG-Strom's infrastructure build the GPU kernel on the fly and execute on GPU devices with thousands threads. Its function arguments and results are automatically move to/from GPU devices.

Actually, PL/CUDA changes the concept of PG-Strom a bit. It originally intended to accelerate SQL by GPU transparently, thus existing SQL shall be accelerated with no query changes.
On the other hands, PL/CUDA assumes the core logic of algorithm is implemented manually for each use case.
Why we changed this concept? It is based on user's feedback.
Even if we don't need to describe CUDA code, right now, nobody implements complicated analytic algorithms in SQL, thus, it means user has to write up a new code to process them either SQL or CUDA. I'm not certain whether SQL is suitable language for this purpose, and most of known algorithm assumes procedural languages.
So, we thought writing a CUDA code may be a valuable option in some use cases, especially, processing of advanced algorithms. We call this type of GPU utilization manual optimization mode, in contradistinction to the existing automatic code generation from SQL; automatic optimization mode.


One other thing we need to pay attention is data-format and memory bus utilization rate when GPU kernel handles the data-format.
PostgreSQL adopts row-oriented data format. It is an I/O optimal data format for transactional workloads.
On the other hands, it has a downside when we reference individual columns within a record. Because the location of column is not predictable unless reading the record actually, we have to walk on records from the head, thus, it takes larger number of memory access.
It is unignorable penalty when we run a logic on GPU which has relatively smaller memory cache. In case of column-oriented data format, location of the data can be determined uniquely by pointer of the array and thread-id.

In addition, column-oriented data format has an advantage for GPU devices from the standpoint of memory bus utilization rate.
Unit size of GPU's memory transaction is usually 32bytes/256bits. If multiple processor cores requires coalesced memory location simultaneously, these multiple memory accesses are consolidated to a single memory transaction, then, a single memory transaction will load 8 x 32bits variables at once. This scenario pulls up the maximum utilization rate from the memory bus of GPUs; that is much higher than CPU/RAM bandwidth.
When we run a particular calculation by multiple processor cores, it tends to reference same columns simultaneously. Columns are scattered in row-oriented data structure, so it is hard to pull out the maximum utilization rate of memory bus.

However, columnar-format is not always winner. Transformation from row-format to column-format needs extra cost prior to GPU invocation, and it is hard to justify the data transformation cost for usual SQL operations like JOIN, GROUP BY, etc...
One candidate is highly computing intensive workload like advanced analytic algorithm which we will implement using PL/CUDA.

Fortunately, PostgreSQL already has a data-type which is almost equivalent to the column oriented data format. It is array data type, and we call the array data type with no NULLs and consists of fixed-length data type array-matrix.
An aggregate function array_matrix(variadic datatype[]) consumes multiple rows then produce a 2-dimensional array data. Any elements are re-ordered per column, and data location is predictable by the offset and width of the element data type.

We usually call PL/CUDA function with array-matrix arguments.

Usecase.1 - Similarity Search on Drug Discovery

The first usecase I introduced is a similarity search workloads on drug-discovery *1.

First of all, I like to introduce the background of the problem we tackled.
When researcher tried to find out a candidate of new drug, it has to be "active" to the target protein which is related to the target disease. Some chemical compounds are inactive, some other chemical compounds are active but toxicity. Academic papers, daily published by somewhere, report relationship between a target protein and chemical compounds. So, researcher can gather the public data of chemical compounds relevant to a particular protein.

On the other hands, people said the total number of chemical compounds we can obtain as a test reagent and investigate are about 10,000,000. It is too expensive to purchase and test them in laboratory, with brute-force approach. So, researcher is motivated to pick up chemical compounds which have higher probability of active to the target protein.
It is an approach to search "similar" chemical compounds to the known ones; which are already reported in academic papers and etc...

Similarity is to define a distance between two chemical compounds. Euclid distance is one approach usually used to define geometrical distance between two points.
We used a combination of Jaccard index *2 and k-NN (nearest neighbor) method in our trial.

The k-NN method is used to define distance between a set of items and an item. Once we calculate all the distance between items, than picks up the largest k distances and considers its average the representative distance between them.
Jaccard index can be used when characteristics of two items are described in a bitmap. We consider the ratio of bitmap-AND and bitmap-OR as similarity of two items.

According to the logic, if number of query compounds set is Q, we once need to calculate Q similarities for each database item; that is about 10M. Than, these similarity must be sorted for each database item. Thus, total amount of computing order is almost O(DxQ) + O(DxQlogQ).
It is not small. If Q is 1000, we need to handle 10billion combination to process the logic.

The PL/CUDA function we implemented (knn_gpu_similarity()) did nothing special. It once computes the similarity between two chemical compounds by a processor core for each combination, then run the bitonic-sorting to pick up the largest k-similarities.
This PL/CUDA function takes two array-matrix that are constructed from the relation scan on the fly, or statically pre-built.
Once similarity search gets completed, it unnest the matrix to a generic stream of records by matrix_unnest, then processes the results set using usual SQL features (tables JOIN and window function here).

Its performance is quite impressive. We compared to the same logic based on CPU.
In case of the largest query set (1000), it reduces the response time more than x150 times faster.
It may have a power to change the workstyle of researcher. 3,000sec (=50min) is a timescale for batch job. It is too long to wait in from of the workstation. On the other hands, 20sec is scale for interactive operations; which allows try&error on research process.

Usecase.2 - Data Clustring (k-means)

The second usecase is clustering analysis.
k-means is a representative method for non-hierarchical cluster analysis, used for unsupervized learning.

This algorithm tries to get the final clustering with iteration of simple operations.
First, it assigns a cluster for each item randomly as initial state.

Second, makes a centroid for each cluster according to the initial state.

Next, choose the cluster of every items according to the centroid updated on the last step.

Next, update the centroid according to the latest cluster; updated on the last step.

Then, break the iteration if cluster assignment gets converged or reached to the threshold of the iteration.

The data-set we tried to apply k-means() clustering is a collection of city traffic data at Aarhus, Denmark, by the CityPlus project.

This dataset contains traffic data (car count, avg speed, ...) in 449 observation point all around the city. The total amount of sensor data is 13.5M records.
In this trial, we applied k-means() algorithm on the raw dataset, then make a summary for each observation point. We assumed each observation points belong to the most frequent cluster.
Then, mapped it on the google map using static map APIs.

The result is below:

It looks to me the blue observation points are bypass highway; many car count and high speed.
On the other hands, green line seems to me the way to the downtown, thus many car but slow speed.
I'm not sure the characteristics of the red line, but appears on the beltway frequently.

Because all the clustering calculation is executed inside of the database, it is quite easy to control the input data.
Below is the same diagram when weekdays and weekend.

  • weekdays

  • weekend

Here is a little difference between them, however, the diagram of weekend categorize the road to the downtown with same color of the highway. So, it has less traffic on the weekend, thus, car speed is higher than the case of weekday.

For the arrangement, all I did is just adding a WHERE clause on the query to kick k-means clustering. Utilization of the SQL flexibility is one of the biggest advantage of PL/CUDA, in addition to the performance benefit.

SELECT report_id, k, c
  FROM (SELECT report_id, k, c,
               row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY report_id
                                  ORDER BY c DESC) rank
          FROM (SELECT report_id, k, count(*) c
                  FROM matrix_unnest(
                        (SELECT gpu_kmeans ( array_matrix(
                           FROM tr_rawdata
                          WHERE extract('dow' from timestamp) in (0,6)
                       ) R(report_id int, k int)
                 GROUP BY report_id, k
               ) __summary_1
       ) __summary_2
   WHERE rank = 1;

*1:KaiGai Kohei, Yoshimori Atsushi, Efficient Similarity Search Using Multiple Reference Molecules on PG-Strom architecture, CBI Annual Meeting, 2016

*2:also called Tanimoto index